18MM-SCT500 - Combination Stripping and Coring Tool for .500" PIII Cables
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Combination Stripping and Coring Tool for .500" PIII Cables


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Product Summary

The 18MM-SCT500 is a professional series stripping and coring tool for .500" PIII cables. The SCT500 is compatible with all reputable .500" cables, including flooded and non-flooded cables. The tool is designed for manual and drill operation for easy coring and stripping. The SCT500 body features a standard "T" handle for hand use and a built-in 3/8" drill adapter. The SCT500 is a must-have tool for correct and easy cable preparation.
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Features and Benefits

  • Combination of coring and stripping tool cores and strips .500" hard-line coaxial cable in one fast and precise operation
  • Pre-set blades minimise scoring or nicking of the aluminium
  • Heat-treated sheath cutting blade
  • Solid metal body for long life use
  • SCT500 tools have a standard T-handle with a built-in 3/8 inch (9.5mm) drill adapter

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